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Fraud costs you and your customers money, immediately.  It’s a predicate crime to Money Laundering.  You need to prevent it from occurring, but how?  More importantly, how quickly?  Some frauds are slow moving, others occur at the speed of a click. AlertSpeed offers closed loop, real-time, transactional speed, prediction, prevention and interdiction with analysis and investigation.

When you need to stop the fraudulent payments you'll need the protection that AlertSpeed offers.

Identity Theft
Account Takeover (ATO)
Synthetic Identity
Authorised Push Payment (APP) Fraud
Card Not Present (CNP) Fraud
Money Mule Schemes
Employee Fraud
Social Engineering Scams
Pre-Paid Card Fraud

At onboarding and at the lesser-known end of every transaction, this is how we can help.

Download our
Fraud Brochure

When is risk magnified?

Why do IT Teams love AlertSpeed?

We have engineered out the complexity and latency encountered with transaction monitoring solutions. The modern, modular, easy to integrate stack, the flexibility of on-premises or cloud deployment option, combined with the highly attentive support staff available across multiple time zones.

Why do investigators prefer our solution?

Because they spend less time managing the alert queue and more time investigating the cases that really matter to the mission.
Being overwhelmed, feeling burnt out looks increasingly likely to become a thing of the past.

Why do Finance Teams support AlertSpeed?

Finance are reporting great things happening to the bottom line as fraud losses are cut.
With integration and licensing costs delivered at a fraction of the top end products available elsewhere.
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We're Here to Help!

At AlertSpeed, we are driven to reduce the misery, financial pain, and risks caused by financial crime. Our team of experts have been where you are and understand the complexities of staying ahead of emerging threats.


Discover how AlertSpeed can enable your organisation to detect financial crime faster than ever before.

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